:: October 2022 ::

The Lunch Date Blouse GIVEAWAY!!!!

The Lunch Date Blouse GIVEAWAY!!!!

Take a looksie, very cute indeed!!!

Thoughtful Friday

Sometimes when life seems flat and black
if you believe, little by little, color will come.
-Rachel Ashwell-

A New Year!

A new beginning! Every new year we have a wonderful gift of a new beginning. A year behind us and a new and hopeful one shining brightly ahead. What we do with this gift and what becomes of this year our for us to choose. Always hoping our choices are the right ones. I am so hopeful and excited about this new year. It will also be exciting to see what unfolds over the next (few months) only saying this because the year seems to pass by so quickly. Much to fast to get all things done that need being done. So to all my family and friends old and new. I toast you, and this year ahead. May it bring everything you have been dreaming of and hoping for.
.... and God Bless!!!!
Love karla
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